Retrieve Monitor Serial Number Using PowerShell
Small script to retrieve monitor serial number using PowerShell,using a WMI method called WmiMonitorID under the root\wmi namespace.
This WMI method exist from Vista and above, if you are having XP and below, you still can retrieve the information using a registry query and convert the EDID to the monitor information which include the monitor serial number.
Script Below
# Import Computers from txt file
$Computers = Get-Content C:\temp\List.txt
# Foreach loop
$BigOutput = foreach ($Computer in $Computers) {
# Create output object
$output = "" | Select-Object -Property Computer, Manufacturer, ProductCode, SerialNumber, Name, Week, Year
# Get all connected monitors using WMI class WmiMonitorID
$Monitors = Get-WmiObject -Namespace root\wmi -Class WmiMonitorID -ComputerName $Computer
# Internal foreach loop to go over each connected monitor
foreach ($Monitor in $Monitors) {
$output.Computer = $Computer
# get monitor info and convert to char
$Monitor.ManufacturerName | foreach {$output.Manufacturer += [char]$_}
$Monitor.ProductCodeID | foreach {$output.ProductCode += [char]$_}
$Monitor.SerialNumberID | foreach {$output.SerialNumber += [char]$_}
$Monitor.UserFriendlyName | foreach {$output.Name += [char]$_}
# Get week and year
$output.Week = $Monitor.WeekOfManufacture
$output.Year = $Monitor.YearOfManufacture
$output = "" | Select-Object -Property Computer, Manufacturer, ProductCode, SerialNumber, Name, Week, Year
} #END internal foreach loop
} # END foreach loop
# Export result to CSV file
$BigOutput | Export-Csv C:\GetMonitorSN.csv